Use the items
prop as an array of objects with the following properties:
label?: string
icon?: string
trailingIcon?: string
content?: string
value?: string
disabled?: boolean
slot?: string
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
<UAccordion :items="items" />
Set the type
prop to multiple
to allow multiple items to be active at the same time. Defaults to single
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
<UAccordion type="multiple" :items="items" />
When type
is single
, you can set the collapsible
prop to false
to prevent the active item from collapsing.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
<UAccordion :collapsible="false" :items="items" />
Use the unmount-on-hide
prop to prevent the content from being unmounted when the accordion is collapsed. Defaults to true
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
<UAccordion :unmount-on-hide="false" :items="items" />
Use the disabled
property to disable the Accordion.
You can also disable a specific item by using the disabled
property in the item object.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.',
disabled: true
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
<UAccordion disabled :items="items" />
Trailing Icon
Use the trailing-icon
prop to customize the trailing Icon of each item. Defaults to i-lucide-chevron-down
property in the item object.<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.',
trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-plus'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
<UAccordion trailing-icon="i-lucide-arrow-down" :items="items" />
Control active item(s)
You can control the active item(s) by using the default-value
prop or the v-model
directive with the index of the item.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: AccordionItem[] = [
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
const active = ref('0')
// Note: This is for demonstration purposes only. Don't do this at home.
onMounted(() => {
setInterval(() => {
active.value = String((Number(active.value) + 1) % items.length)
}, 2000)
<UAccordion v-model="active" :items="items" />
of one of the items if provided.type="multiple"
, ensure to pass an array to the default-value
prop or the v-model
directive.With body slot
Use the #body
slot to customize the body of each item.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: AccordionItem[] = [
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box'
<UAccordion :items="items">
<template #body="{ item }">
This is the {{ item.label }} panel.
slot includes some pre-defined styles, use the #content
slot if you want to start from scratch.With content slot
Use the #content
slot to customize the content of each item.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: AccordionItem[] = [
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box'
<UAccordion :items="items">
<template #content="{ item }">
<p class="pb-3.5 text-sm text-(--ui-text-muted)">
This is the {{ item.label }} panel.
With custom slot
Use the slot
property to customize a specific item.
You will have access to the following slots:
#{{ item.slot }}
#{{ item.slot }}-body
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = [
label: 'Icons',
icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
label: 'Colors',
icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
slot: 'colors' as const,
content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
] satisfies AccordionItem[]
<UAccordion :items="items">
<template #colors="{ item }">
<p class="text-sm pb-3.5 text-(--ui-primary)">
{{ item.content }}
Prop | Default | Type |
as |
The element or component this component should render as. |
items |
| |
trailingIcon |
The icon displayed on the right side of the trigger. |
labelKey |
The key used to get the label from the item. |
collapsible |
When type is "single", allows closing content when clicking trigger for an open item. When type is "multiple", this prop has no effect. |
defaultValue |
The default active value of the item(s). Use when you do not need to control the state of the item(s). | |
modelValue |
The controlled value of the active item(s). Use this when you need to control the state of the items. Can be binded with | |
type |
Determines whether a "single" or "multiple" items can be selected at a time. This prop will overwrite the inferred type from |
disabled |
When |
unmountOnHide |
When |
ui |
Slot | Type |
leading |
default |
trailing |
content |
body |
Event | Type |
update:modelValue |
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
accordion: {
slots: {
root: 'w-full',
item: 'border-b border-(--ui-border) last:border-b-0',
header: 'flex',
trigger: 'group flex-1 flex items-center gap-1.5 font-medium text-sm py-3.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary) min-w-0',
content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
body: 'text-sm pb-3.5',
leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 ms-auto group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200',
label: 'text-start break-words'
variants: {
disabled: {
true: {
trigger: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ui: {
accordion: {
slots: {
root: 'w-full',
item: 'border-b border-(--ui-border) last:border-b-0',
header: 'flex',
trigger: 'group flex-1 flex items-center gap-1.5 font-medium text-sm py-3.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary) min-w-0',
content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
body: 'text-sm pb-3.5',
leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 ms-auto group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200',
label: 'text-start break-words'
variants: {
disabled: {
true: {
trigger: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ui: {
accordion: {
slots: {
root: 'w-full',
item: 'border-b border-(--ui-border) last:border-b-0',
header: 'flex',
trigger: 'group flex-1 flex items-center gap-1.5 font-medium text-sm py-3.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary) min-w-0',
content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
body: 'text-sm pb-3.5',
leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 ms-auto group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200',
label: 'text-start break-words'
variants: {
disabled: {
true: {
trigger: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'