A stacked set of collapsible panels.



Use the items prop as an array of objects with the following properties:

  • label?: string
  • icon?: string
  • trailingIcon?: string
  • content?: string
  • value?: string
  • disabled?: boolean
  • slot?: string

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

  <UAccordion :items="items" />


Set the type prop to multiple to allow multiple items to be active at the same time. Defaults to single.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

  <UAccordion type="multiple" :items="items" />


When type is single, you can set the collapsible prop to false to prevent the active item from collapsing.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

  <UAccordion :collapsible="false" :items="items" />


Use the unmount-on-hide prop to prevent the content from being unmounted when the accordion is collapsed. Defaults to true.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

  <UAccordion :unmount-on-hide="false" :items="items" />
You can inspect the DOM to see each item's content being rendered.


Use the disabled property to disable the Accordion.

You can also disable a specific item by using the disabled property in the item object.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.',
    disabled: true
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

  <UAccordion disabled :items="items" />

Trailing Icon

Use the trailing-icon prop to customize the trailing Icon of each item. Defaults to i-lucide-chevron-down.

You can also set an icon for a specific item by using the trailingIcon property in the item object.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref<AccordionItem[]>([
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.',
    trailingIcon: 'i-lucide-plus'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

  <UAccordion trailing-icon="i-lucide-arrow-down" :items="items" />
You can customize this icon globally in your app.config.ts under ui.icons.chevronDown key.
You can customize this icon globally in your vite.config.ts under ui.icons.chevronDown key.


Control active item(s)

You can control the active item(s) by using the default-value prop or the v-model directive with the index of the item.

You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: AccordionItem[] = [
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'

const active = ref('0')

// Note: This is for demonstration purposes only. Don't do this at home.
onMounted(() => {
  setInterval(() => {
    active.value = String((Number(active.value) + 1) % items.length)
  }, 2000)

  <UAccordion v-model="active" :items="items" />
You can also pass the value of one of the items if provided.
When type="multiple", ensure to pass an array to the default-value prop or the v-model directive.

With body slot

Use the #body slot to customize the body of each item.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: AccordionItem[] = [
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box'

  <UAccordion :items="items">
    <template #body="{ item }">
      This is the {{ item.label }} panel.
The #body slot includes some pre-defined styles, use the #content slot if you want to start from scratch.

With content slot

Use the #content slot to customize the content of each item.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items: AccordionItem[] = [
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box'

  <UAccordion :items="items">
    <template #content="{ item }">
      <p class="pb-3.5 text-sm text-(--ui-text-muted)">
        This is the {{ item.label }} panel.

With custom slot

Use the slot property to customize a specific item.

You will have access to the following slots:

  • #{{ item.slot }}
  • #{{ item.slot }}-body

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AccordionItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = [
    label: 'Icons',
    icon: 'i-lucide-smile',
    content: 'You have nothing to do, @nuxt/icon will handle it automatically.'
    label: 'Colors',
    icon: 'i-lucide-swatch-book',
    slot: 'colors' as const,
    content: 'Choose a primary and a neutral color from your Tailwind CSS theme.'
    label: 'Components',
    icon: 'i-lucide-box',
    content: 'You can customize components by using the `class` / `ui` props or in your app.config.ts.'
] satisfies AccordionItem[]

  <UAccordion :items="items">
    <template #colors="{ item }">
      <p class="text-sm pb-3.5 text-(--ui-primary)">
        {{ item.content }}



Prop Default Type



The element or component this component should render as.






The icon displayed on the right side of the trigger.




The key used to get the label from the item.




When type is "single", allows closing content when clicking trigger for an open item. When type is "multiple", this prop has no effect.


string | string[]

The default active value of the item(s).

Use when you do not need to control the state of the item(s).


string | string[]

The controlled value of the active item(s).

Use this when you need to control the state of the items. Can be binded with v-model



"single" | "multiple"

Determines whether a "single" or "multiple" items can be selected at a time.

This prop will overwrite the inferred type from modelValue and defaultValue.




When true, prevents the user from interacting with the accordion and all its items




When true, the element will be unmounted on closed state.


Partial<{ root: string; item: string; header: string; trigger: string; content: string; body: string; leadingIcon: string; trailingIcon: string; label: string; }>


Slot Type

{ item: AccordionItem; index: number; open: boolean; }


{ item: AccordionItem; index: number; open: boolean; }


{ item: AccordionItem; index: number; open: boolean; }


{ item: AccordionItem; index: number; open: boolean; }


{ item: AccordionItem; index: number; open: boolean; }


Event Type

[value: string | string[] | undefined]


export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    accordion: {
      slots: {
        root: 'w-full',
        item: 'border-b border-(--ui-border) last:border-b-0',
        header: 'flex',
        trigger: 'group flex-1 flex items-center gap-1.5 font-medium text-sm py-3.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary) min-w-0',
        content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
        body: 'text-sm pb-3.5',
        leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
        trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 ms-auto group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200',
        label: 'text-start break-words'
      variants: {
        disabled: {
          true: {
            trigger: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        accordion: {
          slots: {
            root: 'w-full',
            item: 'border-b border-(--ui-border) last:border-b-0',
            header: 'flex',
            trigger: 'group flex-1 flex items-center gap-1.5 font-medium text-sm py-3.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary) min-w-0',
            content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
            body: 'text-sm pb-3.5',
            leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
            trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 ms-auto group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200',
            label: 'text-start break-words'
          variants: {
            disabled: {
              true: {
                trigger: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        accordion: {
          slots: {
            root: 'w-full',
            item: 'border-b border-(--ui-border) last:border-b-0',
            header: 'flex',
            trigger: 'group flex-1 flex items-center gap-1.5 font-medium text-sm py-3.5 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary) min-w-0',
            content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
            body: 'text-sm pb-3.5',
            leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
            trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 ms-auto group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200',
            label: 'text-start break-words'
          variants: {
            disabled: {
              true: {
                trigger: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'