An indicator showing the progress of a task.


Use the v-model directive to control the value of the Progress.

<script setup lang="ts">
const value = ref(50)

  <UProgress v-model="value" />


Use the max prop to set the maximum value of the Progress.

<script setup lang="ts">
const value = ref(3)

  <UProgress v-model="value" :max="4" />

Use the max prop with an array of strings to display the active step under the bar, the maximum value of the Progress is the length of the array.

<script setup lang="ts">
const value = ref(3)

    :max="['Waiting...', 'Cloning...', 'Migrating...', 'Deploying...', 'Done!']"


Use the status prop to display the current Progress value above the bar.

<script setup lang="ts">
const value = ref(50)

  <UProgress v-model="value" status />


When no v-model is set or the value is null, the Progress becomes indeterminate. The progress bar is animated as a carousel, but you can change it using the animation prop.

<script setup lang="ts">
const value = ref(null)

  <UProgress v-model="value" />


Use the animation prop to change the animation of the Progress to an inverse carousel, a swinging bar or an elastic bar. Defaults to carousel.

  <UProgress animation="swing" />


Use the orientation prop to change the orientation of the Progress. Defaults to horizontal.

  <UProgress orientation="vertical" class="h-48" />


Use the color prop to change the color of the Slider.

  <UProgress color="neutral" />


Use the size prop to change the size of the Slider.

  <UProgress size="xl" />


Use the inverted prop to visually invert the Progress.

  <UProgress inverted v-model="value" />



Prop Default Type



The element or component this component should render as.


number | any[]

The maximum progress value.



Display the current progress value.




Whether the progress is visually inverted.



"2xs" | "sm" | "md" | "xs" | "lg" | "xl" | "2xl"



"error" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "info" | "warning" | "neutral"



"horizontal" | "vertical"

The orientation of the progress bar.



"carousel" | "carousel-inverse" | "swing" | "elastic"

The animation of the progress bar.



null | number

The progress value. Can be bind as v-model.


(value: number, max: number): string

A function to get the accessible label text representing the current value in a human-readable format.

If not provided, the value label will be read as the numeric value as a percentage of the max value.


Partial<{ root: string; base: string; indicator: string; status: string; steps: string; step: (typeof step)[number]; }>


Slot Type

{ percent?: number | undefined; }


Event Type

[value: string[] | undefined]


[value: number]


export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    progress: {
      slots: {
        root: 'gap-2',
        base: 'relative overflow-hidden rounded-full bg-(--ui-bg-accented)',
        indicator: 'rounded-full size-full transition-transform duration-200 ease-out',
        status: 'flex justify-end text-(--ui-text-dimmed) transition-[width] duration-200',
        steps: 'grid items-end',
        step: 'truncate text-end row-start-1 col-start-1 transition-opacity'
      variants: {
        animation: {
          carousel: '',
          'carousel-inverse': '',
          swing: '',
          elastic: ''
        color: {
          primary: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-primary)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-primary)'
          secondary: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-secondary)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-secondary)'
          success: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-success)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-success)'
          info: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-info)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-info)'
          warning: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-warning)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-warning)'
          error: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-error)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-error)'
          neutral: {
            indicator: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)',
            steps: 'text-(--ui-bg)'
        size: {
          '2xs': {
            status: 'text-xs',
            steps: 'text-xs'
          xs: {
            status: 'text-xs',
            steps: 'text-xs'
          sm: {
            status: 'text-sm',
            steps: 'text-sm'
          md: {
            status: 'text-sm',
            steps: 'text-sm'
          lg: {
            status: 'text-sm',
            steps: 'text-sm'
          xl: {
            status: 'text-base',
            steps: 'text-base'
          '2xl': {
            status: 'text-base',
            steps: 'text-base'
        step: {
          active: {
            step: 'opacity-100'
          first: {
            step: 'opacity-100 text-(--ui-text-muted)'
          other: {
            step: 'opacity-0'
          last: {
            step: ''
        orientation: {
          horizontal: {
            root: 'w-full flex flex-col',
            base: 'w-full',
            status: 'flex-row'
          vertical: {
            root: 'h-full flex flex-row-reverse',
            base: 'h-full',
            status: 'flex-col'
        inverted: {
          true: {
            status: 'self-end'
      compoundVariants: [
          inverted: true,
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          class: {
            step: 'text-start',
            status: 'flex-row-reverse'
          inverted: true,
          orientation: 'vertical',
          class: {
            steps: 'items-start',
            status: 'flex-col-reverse'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: '2xs',
          class: 'h-px'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: 'xs',
          class: 'h-0.5'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: 'sm',
          class: 'h-1'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: 'md',
          class: 'h-2'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: 'lg',
          class: 'h-3'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: 'xl',
          class: 'h-4'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          size: '2xl',
          class: 'h-5'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: '2xs',
          class: 'w-px'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: 'xs',
          class: 'w-0.5'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: 'sm',
          class: 'w-1'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: 'md',
          class: 'w-2'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: 'lg',
          class: 'w-3'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: 'xl',
          class: 'w-4'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          size: '2xl',
          class: 'w-5'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          animation: 'carousel',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel_2s_ease-in-out_infinite] data-[state=indeterminate]:rtl:animate-[carousel-rtl_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          animation: 'carousel',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          animation: 'carousel-inverse',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-inverse_2s_ease-in-out_infinite] data-[state=indeterminate]:rtl:animate-[carousel-inverse-rtl_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          animation: 'carousel-inverse',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-inverse-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          animation: 'swing',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[swing_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          animation: 'swing',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[swing-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'horizontal',
          animation: 'elastic',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[elastic_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          orientation: 'vertical',
          animation: 'elastic',
          class: {
            indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[elastic-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
      defaultVariants: {
        animation: 'carousel',
        color: 'primary',
        size: 'md'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        progress: {
          slots: {
            root: 'gap-2',
            base: 'relative overflow-hidden rounded-full bg-(--ui-bg-accented)',
            indicator: 'rounded-full size-full transition-transform duration-200 ease-out',
            status: 'flex justify-end text-(--ui-text-dimmed) transition-[width] duration-200',
            steps: 'grid items-end',
            step: 'truncate text-end row-start-1 col-start-1 transition-opacity'
          variants: {
            animation: {
              carousel: '',
              'carousel-inverse': '',
              swing: '',
              elastic: ''
            color: {
              primary: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-primary)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-secondary)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-success)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-info)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-warning)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-error)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-bg)'
            size: {
              '2xs': {
                status: 'text-xs',
                steps: 'text-xs'
              xs: {
                status: 'text-xs',
                steps: 'text-xs'
              sm: {
                status: 'text-sm',
                steps: 'text-sm'
              md: {
                status: 'text-sm',
                steps: 'text-sm'
              lg: {
                status: 'text-sm',
                steps: 'text-sm'
              xl: {
                status: 'text-base',
                steps: 'text-base'
              '2xl': {
                status: 'text-base',
                steps: 'text-base'
            step: {
              active: {
                step: 'opacity-100'
              first: {
                step: 'opacity-100 text-(--ui-text-muted)'
              other: {
                step: 'opacity-0'
              last: {
                step: ''
            orientation: {
              horizontal: {
                root: 'w-full flex flex-col',
                base: 'w-full',
                status: 'flex-row'
              vertical: {
                root: 'h-full flex flex-row-reverse',
                base: 'h-full',
                status: 'flex-col'
            inverted: {
              true: {
                status: 'self-end'
          compoundVariants: [
              inverted: true,
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              class: {
                step: 'text-start',
                status: 'flex-row-reverse'
              inverted: true,
              orientation: 'vertical',
              class: {
                steps: 'items-start',
                status: 'flex-col-reverse'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: '2xs',
              class: 'h-px'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'h-0.5'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'h-1'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'md',
              class: 'h-2'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'h-3'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'h-4'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: '2xl',
              class: 'h-5'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: '2xs',
              class: 'w-px'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'w-0.5'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'w-1'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'md',
              class: 'w-2'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'w-3'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'w-4'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: '2xl',
              class: 'w-5'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'carousel',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel_2s_ease-in-out_infinite] data-[state=indeterminate]:rtl:animate-[carousel-rtl_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'carousel',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'carousel-inverse',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-inverse_2s_ease-in-out_infinite] data-[state=indeterminate]:rtl:animate-[carousel-inverse-rtl_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'carousel-inverse',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-inverse-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'swing',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[swing_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'swing',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[swing-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'elastic',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[elastic_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'elastic',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[elastic-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          defaultVariants: {
            animation: 'carousel',
            color: 'primary',
            size: 'md'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        progress: {
          slots: {
            root: 'gap-2',
            base: 'relative overflow-hidden rounded-full bg-(--ui-bg-accented)',
            indicator: 'rounded-full size-full transition-transform duration-200 ease-out',
            status: 'flex justify-end text-(--ui-text-dimmed) transition-[width] duration-200',
            steps: 'grid items-end',
            step: 'truncate text-end row-start-1 col-start-1 transition-opacity'
          variants: {
            animation: {
              carousel: '',
              'carousel-inverse': '',
              swing: '',
              elastic: ''
            color: {
              primary: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-primary)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-secondary)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-success)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-info)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-warning)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-error)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                indicator: 'bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)',
                steps: 'text-(--ui-bg)'
            size: {
              '2xs': {
                status: 'text-xs',
                steps: 'text-xs'
              xs: {
                status: 'text-xs',
                steps: 'text-xs'
              sm: {
                status: 'text-sm',
                steps: 'text-sm'
              md: {
                status: 'text-sm',
                steps: 'text-sm'
              lg: {
                status: 'text-sm',
                steps: 'text-sm'
              xl: {
                status: 'text-base',
                steps: 'text-base'
              '2xl': {
                status: 'text-base',
                steps: 'text-base'
            step: {
              active: {
                step: 'opacity-100'
              first: {
                step: 'opacity-100 text-(--ui-text-muted)'
              other: {
                step: 'opacity-0'
              last: {
                step: ''
            orientation: {
              horizontal: {
                root: 'w-full flex flex-col',
                base: 'w-full',
                status: 'flex-row'
              vertical: {
                root: 'h-full flex flex-row-reverse',
                base: 'h-full',
                status: 'flex-col'
            inverted: {
              true: {
                status: 'self-end'
          compoundVariants: [
              inverted: true,
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              class: {
                step: 'text-start',
                status: 'flex-row-reverse'
              inverted: true,
              orientation: 'vertical',
              class: {
                steps: 'items-start',
                status: 'flex-col-reverse'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: '2xs',
              class: 'h-px'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'h-0.5'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'h-1'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'md',
              class: 'h-2'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'h-3'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'h-4'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              size: '2xl',
              class: 'h-5'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: '2xs',
              class: 'w-px'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'w-0.5'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'w-1'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'md',
              class: 'w-2'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'w-3'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'w-4'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              size: '2xl',
              class: 'w-5'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'carousel',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel_2s_ease-in-out_infinite] data-[state=indeterminate]:rtl:animate-[carousel-rtl_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'carousel',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'carousel-inverse',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-inverse_2s_ease-in-out_infinite] data-[state=indeterminate]:rtl:animate-[carousel-inverse-rtl_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'carousel-inverse',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[carousel-inverse-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'swing',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[swing_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'swing',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[swing-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'horizontal',
              animation: 'elastic',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[elastic_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
              orientation: 'vertical',
              animation: 'elastic',
              class: {
                indicator: 'data-[state=indeterminate]:animate-[elastic-vertical_2s_ease-in-out_infinite]'
          defaultVariants: {
            animation: 'carousel',
            color: 'primary',
            size: 'md'